Physical Therapy Bike – more than just a weight loss tool

Physical therapy bikes offer many benefits beyond just weight loss. Now with advancements in technology, you can have physical limitations and pedal regardless without struggling onto the old-fashioned bike seat.

At WOW! Mobility & Rehab we have recently added access to a rehab bike through our hire system and thought we would share with you how you can benefit no matter your condition.

Improving mental health:

Regular exercise on the bike can enhance your mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost self-esteem. In addition, it can be significant for individuals with physical limitations who may experience feelings of isolation and frustration related to their circumstances.

Improving cardiovascular health:

Physical therapy bike exercise can help improve heart health, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Good cardiovascular health helps ensure the brain receives an adequate blood supply, burns calories and reduces body fat, has been linked to better sleep quality, and reduces stress.

Improve bowel and bladder function:

Regular exercise using the physical therapy bike can help with muscle strength and endurance in the lower body, including the pelvic floor muscles, which can help improve bowel and bladder control.

Assisting recovery before and after surgery:

Exercise on a physical therapy bike can speed up healing and reduce swelling and pain after surgery by improving your circulation. This rehab bike can also assist with preparation before surgery, improving your overall physical health and reducing the risk of complications during surgery.

Improving muscle mass:

Muscle mass is vital for overall physical health as it helps support joint function, improves posture and increases strength and endurance. The physical therapy bike can help improve muscle tone, help increase lean muscle mass and help prevent muscle loss, especially as we age.

Improving balance and coordination:

Regular exercise on a physical therapy bike can help improve your coordination and balance by forcing your body to use multiple muscle groups simultaneously. In addition, because people in a wheelchair can use this rehab bike, improved balance and coordination can assist with their manoeuvrability.

We recommend consulting a physio, OT, or doctor regarding any exercise program. WOW! Mobility & Rehab have a great relationship with many allied health professionals in Ipswich and surrounding areas. The team at WOW! are happy to speak directly with your specialist about any specifications they may need about the physical therapy bike, mobility aids or rehabilitation products.

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