Travelling with a wheelchair

Have you just purchased your first wheelchair and are about to embark on your first trip away from home with it?

We have put together a few tips to help you enjoy the experience and hope you find them helpful. Remember, if you need any assistance with getting ready for a trip away, the team at WOW! Mobility & Rehab can help you be prepared.

  • Put together a fix-it kit; sometimes, it is not always easy to find somewhere that stocks mobility spare parts. We suggest you grab yourself a tube if you are in a self-propelled wheelchair and don’t have solid tyres, and don’t forget your tool kit that would have come with your wheelchair.
  • If travelling by car, it is sometimes handy to have your own set of ramps to ensure that those stops along the way are not restrictive of where you can go. When looking for toilet stops, there are several apps that you can use on your phone to help you locate somewhere that is accessible. For more extensive toilet facilities, there is which maps out suitable facilities for people who cannot use standard accessible toilets.
  • If travelling by plane, you should book your flights in advance as some airlines limit how many wheelchairs they will allow on a flight. Each airline has different rulings, so you may need to speak directly to them to clarify before booking the ticket. 
  • If travelling overseas, unfortunately, many countries don’t have access, services or support for people with disability, so get on the internet and research thoroughly to avoid disappointment.
  • When staying in accommodation, check in advance what disability access means to the advertiser, as not everyone has the same definition. For example, measure your wheelchair width, reach out to the accommodation, and ask them to check their door widths to ensure you can access all rooms you may need to use your chair. 
  • It may be worthwhile to consider a cushion for your wheelchair as you may spend more time seated in the wheelchair when travelling than you are used to when just at home.

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