Tips for maintaining muscle mass as you age

It is a fact that muscles shrink as adults age.

In 2009 researchers at the University of Nottingham in England found that a mechanism found in younger people that prevents muscle breakdown works less effectively in people over the age of 65 — resulting in double the speed of muscle breakdown.

Less muscle mass means not only a loss of strength but also increase the likelihood of injuries from falling.

When we age, blood flow decreases, so the supply rate of nutrients and hormones is lower in older people. Experts suggest that three exercise sessions a week over 20 weeks could be enough to reverse muscle wasting because it increases the blood flow.

In fact, in 2011, researchers found that people older than 50 can not only maintain but increase their muscle mass by lifting weights.

Remember always to start small and work your way up and be smart and safe.

Try these simple exercises

Leg Raising

Stand behind a sturdy chair, holding on. Breathe in slowly.

Breathe out and slowly lift one leg straight back without bending your knee or pointing your toes. Don’t lean forward, the leg you are standing on should be slightly bent.

Hold the position for 1 second and breathe in as you slowly lower your leg.

Repeat ten times and then repeat swapping legs.

When you find this exercise easy, try using an Ankle & Wrist Weight set to take it to the next level.

Toe Standing

Strengthen the muscles in your calves and ankles with toe standing.

Stand behind a sturdy chair, feet shoulder-width apart. Breathe in slowly.

Breathe out and slowly stand on tiptoes, as high as possible.

Hold the position for 1 second and breathe in as you slowly lower your heels to the floor.

Repeat ten times.

When you find this exercise easy, try using an Ankle & Wrist Weight set to take it to the next level.

Arm Curling

Strengthen your upper arm muscles with arm curls.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Start with 1kg weights straight down at your sides, palms facing forward. Breathe in slowly.

Breathe out as you slowly bend your elbows and lift the weights toward your chest. Keep your elbows at your sides.

Hold the position for 1 second.

Breathe in as you slowly lower your arms.

Repeat 10 to 15 times.

When you find this exercise easy, try using a heavier dumbbell weight to take it to the next level.


WOW Mobility can supply Fortress Dumbbell Weights in assorted sizes. These are ideal for upper body exercise, physical therapy and training. With a vinyl coating, they are comfortable and durable.


WOW Mobility can also supply Theraband Ankle and Wrist Weight Sets, soft and comfortable weights contoured for a secure fit.

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