A diary entry from Melly


Dear Diary, 

Now I am not going to pretend that I enjoy sharing my ailments with you… ah who am I kidding! It is true what they say – once you turn 70 you can share all your diseases with anyone who will listen. Inevitably, someone has said that !

Anyway, you will find me often down at WOW! Mobility sharing with the friendly team all sorts of things, the most recent being the need for a bed and seat pad. Yep, you guessed it, I am talking about incontinence.

Did you know that it affects women seven to eight times more often than men – how is that fair?

When I Googled it, the description read “Incontinence is any accidental or involuntary loss of urine from the bladder or bowel motion, faeces or wind from the bowel.” 

Anyway, the team from WOW! Mobility helped me find these great bed pads and a pad for when I am sitting in the car, and get this – they are machine washable.

You can find these products here: 

They also told me about the MASS scheme, which I thought they had said MESS and advised them it was my bladder, not my bowels.

It turns out that MASS stands for Medical Aids Subsidy Scheme. If you Google it you will find all of the different assistance you can receive, or drop into the friendly team at WOW! Mobility to find out more. They always help me and I am sure that they will help you too.

You can find more information about MASS here:  

While it isn’t a pleasant topic, it is a fact of life, and many people suffer from incontinence for varying reasons. 

I better run now, have to get my pads out of the dryer for tonight’s mishaps.


Ageing Gracefully and Dry



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