Fit and Fab in ‘22

We all know that exercise is good for us, but if the idea of going to a gym or a personal trainer is not for you, why not try some simple, fun ways to stay fit and get your exercises done in the comfort and privacy of your home?

We’ve got some great fitness equipment to help you out and you don’t need to be an athlete or a bodybuilder to use it. Keeping your muscle mass is extra important as we age, so it’s essential that older people are adding some exercise to their daily routine.

Wow! Mobility and Rehab can help you find ankle and wrist weights, resistance bands, dumbells – whatever you need to stay fit and healthy at home.

If you’re new to lifting weights, remember to ease into it and if you’re recovering from a condition or surgery, make sure you ask your doctor’s advice before you get started.

Your simple, at home exercise routine:

Start with a 10-minute warm up to get your muscles ready to exercise and reduce the risk of strains or pulled muscles. Remember, a little bit of pain can be expected after exercising, particularly if you’re new to it, but a lot of pain after exercising is never a great thing.

Start with leg lifts to strengthen your legs and improve your balance. Stand sideways to a chair or wall for support

  1. Stand sideways to a chair or wall for support
  2. Shift the weight into the right leg and lift the left leg out to the side, foot flexed and hips, knees and feet in alignment. The toes should be facing the front of the room.
  3. Try to lift the leg and hold your torso upright without tilting. Lift your leg around 5 to 10 cm off the ground.
  4. Lower it back down and repeat for 12 reps on each leg

Add weights or resistance once you have mastered the above. Use a resistance band around the ankles or light ankle weights for more intensity.

Lat pulls

By strengthening the lat muscles on either side of the back, this exercise helps with movements like picking things up or opening doors. 

  1. Stand or sit holding a resistance band in both hands up over your head.
  2. Your hands should be wider than shoulder-width so that there is tension on the band. Adjusting your hands to change the tension.
  3. Make sure your back is flat, and your abs are engaged.
  4. Keep the left hand in place and contract the muscles on the right side of your back to pull the elbow down towards the rib cage.
  5. Press back up and repeat for 12 reps on the right side.
  6. Switch sides and do 12 reps on the left side.

Take the first step to a better life. Ask us...

The expert team at WOW! Mobility & Rehab have a huge range of knowledge to share with you. Whether you’re seeking the right solution for yourself, someone you care for or a patient, we’ll guide you to find the right solution for your needs. We’re here to help, so please ask.