You’re So Vein – The Truth About Varicose Veins

There are many conditions of the human body that may first appear or expand with age. One of the more common are varicose veins which affect about 30% of the population. They are so commonplace that many people simply accept them as part of the aging process.

But what are varicose veins, why do they occur, and is there any treatment for them? 

What are Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins are veins that are found just below the surface of the skin usually on the legs, although they may appear in other parts of the body. They are veins that have become twisted and enlarged which results in them being seen. There are few symptoms associated with varicose veins, although some may feel a little pain while others will experience bleeding in that area.

It should be noted that varicose veins are not spider veins, which are similar in appearance, but far smaller. Spider veins involve the capillaries just under the skin while varicose veins are considerable larger and deeper under the skin.

There are different causes for this condition which range from obesity to genetics to not getting enough exercise. While varicose veins are usually associated with the aging process, they sometimes occur when the body is less active, such as during pregnancy or injury that slows down a person’s mobility. Not getting enough exercise is commonly associated with this condition.

It should be noted that the veins themselves suffer from disease, which means that they are suffering from a condition that is treatable. For those who want to get rid of their varicose veins, there are a few options.

Pressure Garments

One of the most effective ways to reduce the appearance of varicose veins and any symptoms of pain you might feel is using pressure garments such as compression socks. Pressure garments increase circulations by decreasing the width of the veins, much like putting your thumb on the front end of a garden hose causes the water to flow faster.

By restricting the width, the blood flows faster through the veins which in turn improves the health and condition of the veins themselves. Keep in mind that the pressure being applied is even, so that there are no pressure points or sore spots created when using pressure garments.


For some people, increasing the amount of exercise can help reduce the appearance and perhaps even prevent varicose veins. The principle works in a similar fashion as pressure garments as the circulation is increased which decreases the chance of the varicose veins being formed. While the condition may still occur depending on the location and the amount of exercise performed, strong aerobic activities such as walking, jogging, or dancing keeps the circulation up which as a positive effect.

The health of the veins improves when a person reduces excess weight, engages in exercise, and does the proper pressure care to increase circulation. Although varicose veins are not dangerous to the health of the individual, proper treatment can reduce their appearance and even prevent them from occurring in the future.

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