Wheelchair Exercise

WOW Mobility stocks many wheelchairs and accessories and the staff are often asked about suitable exercises and tools to assist.

Exercise is essential for people with disabilities or recovering from injuries. Strengthening your body, reducing stress and fatigue and increasing your energy to get you through the day is necessary for everyone. However, sometimes it is hard to find an exercise that is right for your situation.

Before you start a new fitness program, you should consult your doctor to discuss appropriate exercise precautions.

Living with a disability can be challenging, and exercise can feel like just another burden to add to the mix. However, with a little guidance, you can be on your way to a healthier and less stressful life.

Resistance Bands are great tools for wheelchair users. They can be purchased with different levels of resistance and can come in a package that allows you to increase the resistance as your strength increases.

If you enjoy sports, then some organisations provide programs and services that can help you join a team. Wheelchair Basketball, Wheelchair Rugby, Boccia, and Goalball are a few such sports.  Sporting Wheelies and Disabled Association have been helping Queenslanders with a disability to lead active, healthy lives and achieve their sporting dreams since 1977.


There are other organisations throughout Australia that offer exercise programs as well as advocacy. MS Limited offers programs across ACT, NSW, Victoria and Tasmania for people living with multiple sclerosis. https://www.ms.org.au/living-well-with-multiple-sclerosis/wellbeing-support/exercise.aspx

A search of the internet will help you find several instructional videos that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

Before you start a new fitness exercise program, you should consult your doctor to discuss appropriate exercise precautions.

Take the first step to a better life. Ask us...

The expert team at WOW! Mobility & Rehab have a huge range of knowledge to share with you. Whether you’re seeking the right solution for yourself, someone you care for or a patient, we’ll guide you to find the right solution for your needs. We’re here to help, so please ask.