Prevention is better than cure

Did you know that a brisk, 10-minute walk burns off a 50 calorie chocolate chip biscuit? The heavier you are, the more calories you burn in 10 minutes due to the energy it takes to move your body.

So finding 10 minutes a day to move your body is better than nothing!

If you struggle with the motivation to attend the gym or attend an exercise class, then start your journey slow. Walking for 10-minute increments gives you a practical way to place some healthy exercise in your routine.

It doesn’t have to be walking. You may wish to stay indoors and find a 10-minute exercise class on YouTube or turn on some music and dance around the house for 10 minutes. You will find that doing this every day will become something that creates motivation.

No matter how long you have been inactive for or how old you are, there will always be a 10-minute exercise that will help you with your health. 

Do a ten-minute squat every day, and this helps with your hip and ankle mobility. You may have to build up to the 10 minutes, with a minute at a time first. Do one every advert on the TV, or while you are waiting for the jug to boil.

When you do your shopping, try carrying your groceries instead of using the shopping trolley. If you do a monthly shop, this might be a little difficult.

Park further away then you have to. If you are going to a friends house or running an errand, park a couple of blocks away and walk it out.

Power cleaning is a great way to exercise. Briskly walk from one end of the house to the other picking up items that are out of place, one at a time and put them away. 

So, if you tried any of these suggestions and fitted in 10 minutes of exercise today, pat yourself on the back. Even if you didn’t make it to the 10, you have started, and that is great. Create your goal to make it for longer tomorrow and remember that something is better than nothing.

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