A diary entry from Melly – A passion for socks

Dear Diary

I found my love for socks during my weekly visit to WOW Mobility, the friendly team there keep asking me if I lost the last pair each time I purchase some more.

My socks make me feel in control, and I feel more confident as I shuffle throughout the house. Just as Imelda Marcos had a love and passion for shoes, I think the same way about my socks.

You know you don’t need to have Parkinson’s to fall.

As we age, our feet can change shape and lose some feeling and flexibility. In turn, this changes the way we walk and affects balance. Painful or swollen feet can make it difficult to walk. Also, some shoes or slippers can make you more likely to slip, trip or stumble, leading to a fall.

The team down at WOW Mobility showed me their absorbent non-slip floor mats, great for kitchens, bathrooms and anywhere liquids are likely to spill.

Inactive or unfit people tend to have more poor balance and weaker muscles and can be unsteady when walking. These can all increase the risk of falling.

It is common for people who feel unsteady to do less walking. Over time this makes you more likely to fall because your muscles get weaker, your joints stiffer, and your balance gets worse.

Our bodies were designed to move. Physical activity keeps us healthy and reduces the risk of falls. I am grateful for the blue nurses who come to shower me and make me do my exercises every day, even if I do moan about it.

A word of warning, make sure your brakes on your wheelie walker are functional, and get them checked and adjusted regularly. I will save that story for another day.

Gracefully ageing shuffling with my socks.


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