Are you prepared for surgery and recovery?

If you know you are going to have surgery, it is always good to be prepared. 

Ask your doctor about aids you may require when returning home. The team at WOW Mobility would be more than happy to talk to you about what they have available to make your homecoming more pleasant and bearable.

You may need a cane to steady you, crutches, a spirometer to strengthen your lungs, or aids to help you get in and out of the car.

As soon as your recovery journey starts, you should get advice from your doctor or the nurses as to when you can start moving. For a successful recovery, you should talk to a physical or occupational therapist to discuss an exercise plan.

Make sure you plan a healthy menu, choosing foods that provide healing benefits. Your list should contain protein, vitamin c, calcium and vitamin d. Your menu should not include caffeine, sugar, salt, and alcohol. Remember that natural foods help the body absorb the nutrients better.

You will also need to drink plenty of fluids and rest.

Everyone’s recovery is different. For some, you have to rest for some time, others it could mean you would be better to start exercising even before you head home.

To help you with your planning, I have added a link to a handy one-page checklist to help ensure you are prepared for your recovery.

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